A fundamental error that some people make, including decision makers in Sweden, is to look at a pandemic as a purely biological system. If your belief is that the epidemic is just biology, it would be natural to assume only biological phenomena such as immunity can stop the virus
Treating SARS-CoV-2 infections is about biology. The virus and development of vaccine is biology. The pandemic itself however, isn't just biology. Pandemics happen when something studied in biology, get released in an environment, which is in parts built and controlled by humans.
My impression is that many problems related to pandemic response here in Sweden and elsewhere, originates from the purely biological perspective that many schooled in that area has of the problem domain.
Carrying the belief of the pandemic as a biological system, would make one prone to dismiss the potential to affect the outcome. Only immunity would be assumed to be able to stop a pandemic that is seen as a purely biological phenomena. This is what some decision makers believed.
But we know that these types of epidemics can be stopped, without stuff that are really related to biology. We don't need a super advanced vaccine to stop a pandemic, we just need to disrupt transmission in ways that causes the propagation of the infectious agent to stop.
The virus is what it is, and can be studied from a biology perspective, but the pandemic is the interaction between the virus and the environment. The environment is the societies that humans built, and can control to some extent.
Some people with the purely biology perspective on the issue, just can't fathom how anything that is not studied in biology, can impact the pandemic. "Cases went down, must be because of herd immunity". This is what some people in Sweden believed about Wuhan...
The immunity in a population, don't matter if the contact surfaces that the transmission depends on are removed. This is what China understood, but Sweden didn't. The measures they took, would work on any pathogen spreading like SARS-CoV-2.
China's pandemic response was not about biology, they changed the environment through largely non-medical measures that altered the environment in ways that made it hard for the virus transmission to continue. Then they just waited it out until the ongoing infections stopped.
Once they cleared their country of the virus, by just targeting the environment that the virus was depending on for it's ongoing transmission, all they had to do was make sure the virus didn't come back. They also did this without relying on biological phenomena like immunity.
China had a plan, and their actions saved millions of lives in both China and the rest of the world. They knew what they were going to do. They knew the lockdowns would come at a price, but they took the short term cost for their economy, that can now run full speed.
China understood that an epidemic like this, is not purely biological. They understood that they could disrupt transmission by taking actions and targeting the interactions that the virus spread depends on.

This is how pandemics will be managed and stopped in the future.
Meanwhile, Swedish fools followed outdated belief systems about how the spread of the virus was inevitable, no matter what actions they took. Only the magic shield of herd immunity would be able to stop the threat.
In Sweden, those who was leading the pandemic response efforts, believed the pandemic was a biology problem. This flawed belief made them into passive losers, not taking the actions that would have saved many lives here in Sweden.
What happened in Sweden this pandemic, will leave a scar in my country. Future generations will see the insanity for what it was, and herd immunity through infections as a pandemic response strategy, will be thrown into the garbage dump of history forever.
No country will ever try to fight a pandemic with a strategy that is based on the assumption that the protection for their citizens will be given, by letting a virus infect the major part of the population. The whole concept is ridiculous, and highly unethical.
A pandemic is not a biological system, it's the interaction of an infectious agent with an environment that a society provide. If the environment is changed in certain ways that disrupt the mechanics that transmission depends on, the propagation of the infectious agent will stop.
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