Ok, top 5 AOTY contenders listen party while i work and make my christmas list, starting with @backxwash ❤️ https://backxwash.bandcamp.com/album/god-has-nothing-to-do-with-this-leave-him-out-of-it
it says alot that i keep forgetting this album came out this year. front to back this is a fire AF entry to RTJ's doscog, moreover when it came out i remember it having a real impact, like it actually lifted alot of people up 😊 https://open.spotify.com/album/6cx4GVNs03Pu4ZczRnWiLd?si=Xc_a8njKSiSqQhLK_oMJCA
Last year @clipping redefined horrorcore, bringing is a huge helping of mood, ambience, and storytelling that was missing

this year they took that vocabulary and produced an absolute masterpiece with it❤️ https://open.spotify.com/album/0b1q9se93BEqBl3kiltn33?si=aEGFRd8dSlqxx00VVI2mqA
i keep saying "not much came out metal wise this year" and thats a huge lie im realizing

i didnt even know of this bands existence before this year and now they are one of my top played https://open.spotify.com/album/5hrvRauAdBbemMTWsKLzN9?si=_J5iL6WvQDyxynUtYI5hmQ
@BlackDresses666 released Peaceful as Hell this year! like, i cant even fcking keep UP!

this hit me hard, of course it did, but it stands aside solidly on its own too as Rook and Devi's magnum opus under the Dresses name. CreepU is anthemic https://blackdresses.bandcamp.com/album/peaceful-as-hell
i cherish... hear me... CHERISH the girls of The Furs. Beautiful and True provided the janglepop energy i needed to maintain a newly discovered smile at times, and i love them for showing up in my attentionsphere just when they did ❤️ https://open.spotify.com/album/6FcSlgmg8LtcMegifQJUbY?si=_stxgKWBTcCrcK7q4Lz3Lg
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