1. Trump's snap-back to crazy this morning is jarring but predictable. First, I think his rash move to announce the Flynn pardon was driven by his need to get the cameras off of his lawyer leaking motor oil out of his skull. It did that. By now Trump has been briefed, likely by
2. Barr, and knows that the pardon is can be charged as a federal crime. Flynn will avoid what might have up to five years but Trump could be looking at twenty years for doing it. So he's stuck. He knows his only way to avoid the nightmare that awaits him is to remain president.
3. Like a child who can't let go of his blanky Trump clings to the idea that he's going to remain president. His self-destructive return to the dark discussion of a coup shows the depths of his terror. I've checked the docket in Judge Sullivan's case and nothing was
4. filed. At some point Trump will have to produce the document or the process will not stop. So, finding himself in a corner, Trump returns to the delusion that it will all go away if he just stays in the @Whitehouse aka Dunisinane.
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