Some years ago Webb County, Texas asked me to look at a primary election where they had some strange reports from people. It was done entirely on ES&S iVotronic electronic voting machines. I found a number of grave irregularities, including machines being zeroed mid-election! 1/
This research ultimately wound up being presented at DEF CON, and was I believe DEF CON's first presentation on the risks of electronic voting machines. So, yes: I did discover irregularities in electronic elections for a living, and really do have a publication record. 2/
One of the things I emphatically did *NOT* do was detect fraud.

Fraud is a crime. Proving a crime happened requires boots-on-the-ground legwork. You don't prove a crime from reading numbers and logs. It's irresponsible to claim otherwise. 3/
What I did was detect anomalies and tell the local political parties and law-enforcement, "these machines were reset midway through the election without any justification: that's shady, this deserves an investigation." 4/
What I notice *the most* about these claimed "statistical analyses" of 2020 results isn't their technical errors: it's their readiness to leap immediately to conclusions of criminal activity *without doing any investigation whatsoever*. 5/
That willingness to jump straight to fraud strongly suggests to me it's motivated reasoning -- and any stats nerd will tell you that if you know what you're looking for, of course you can torture the data into agreeing with you. 6/
Finally: I shouldn't have to yell this, but apparently I do.


I'm not stating the election was clean. I'm stating these analyses are insufficient to prove it dirty. 7/7
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