TRA glossary

Woman = (aka Transwoman) any human being who identifies as a woman. Don’t worry about the circularity of the definition. You will know when your ladycock gets hard while imagining yourself with tits.

Cis-woman = menstruator who bows down to the ladycock.
Cis-man = adult human male

Man = adult human male

Trans-man = wannabe man. Celebrated when they do foetus-carrier things such as getting pregnant and giving birth, showing that they can’t really escape their biology (yuk!) and the inferior social status that goes with it.
Feminism = centring women, irrespective of the size of their penis, in your advocacy. For example, make sure to support sex workers in their endeavour to pleasure the bepenised human beings (amen).
Misogyny : the sin of not bowing down to the mighty ladycock and believing that a disparate collection of female organs belong to a particular class of humans who deserve rights and words. This is biological essentialism and it is bad and misogynistic.
Biological essentialism: the belief that people with a certain type of body have a certain type of body and belong to specific categories based on the type of body they have, while they can behave in any way they want. This is white colonialism and is highly regressive.
In reality, people can be categorised by feminine or masculine essences and behaviours and must change their body accordingly (if they are menstruators).

Science = any assertion that confirms that TWAW (of course!) and that the bepenised humans (amen) are not more violent
than menstruators, because it’s scientific. Don't question!

Biology = dog whistle for white imperialist colonialism. The idea that significant sexual differences occur naturally between 2 and only 2 classes of people for the purpose of reproduction and that these differences
have a determining impact on the lives and experiences of these 2 types of people. In fact, it is misogynistic biological essentialism invented to oppress women (aka transwomen) and the pre-colonial good savages who were all non-binary and reproduced randomly.
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