Are the Supreme Court justices really such idiots that they can’t tell the difference between “things that involve large numbers of people in a room” and “things that involve small numbers of people in a room” or are they just not bothering to pretend to make arguments anymore
“For the governor it is unsafe to go to church but safe to pick up a bottle of wine,” Gorsuch writes. Yes. Correct. It is safer to walk in and buy wine than to sit in a crowded pew for an hour. Is Gorsuch stupid, dishonest, or some mixture or both?
I’ve noted before that we don’t live in a democracy, we live in a “Neilocracy” where the law depends on the half-baked prejudices some unelected guy named Neil. This is an absurd and completely illegitimate system that should be given no respect.
Also the Supreme Court justices should only ever be referred to by their first names in order to humanize them and undermine their authority. So “Brett, Neil, Amy, Clarence, and Sam” decided the public health measures were anti religious bigotry
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