Before you retweet... before you get outraged .. Here is a report of the US Senate Senate Select Committee on Intelligence that every American should read. (1/7)
“U) In conducting a broader analysis of false information dissemination, in what was
described as "the largest ever study of fake news," researchers at MIT tracked over 125,000 news stories on Twitter, which were shared by three million people over the course of 11 years..” (2/7)
“The research found that, "Falsehood diffused significantly farther, faster, deeper, and more broadly than the truth in all categories of information, and the effects were more pronounced for false political news than for false news about terrorism, natural disasters,..(3/7)
“, urban legends,. or financial information." The study also determined that false news stories were 70 percent more likely to be retweeted than accurate news, and that true stories take about six times as long to reach 1,500 people on Twitter as false stories do. (4/7)
“..According to the lead researcher in the study, Soroush Vosoughi, "It seems pretty clear that false information outperforms true information.” (5/7)
Bottom line-you’re far more likely to be reading false stories designed by Russia to sow discord and undermine confidence in our elections and democracy than getting truth. It is especially disappointing when “leaders” amplify these propaganda efforts for political gain. (6/7)
So.. read with skepticism - demand truth-don’t be played. (7/7)
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