I see this argument a lot so I'm going to make a thread explaining and detailing things so if you ever want to you can use it
Why people create and enjoy problematic content
1. The thrill of creating content that deviates from the norm is very exciting for some people and its a great way to test their limits on what they can and struggle with writing. They do it because it can also be a safe outlet to vent any frustrations they have about the real-
World. They enjoy the content because it presents something new and in the fictional world it can be anything you want. No one gets hurt when you create these things which makes it significantly more appealing to a lot of people. The ability t9 control what they write and draw-
Is a power you don't have in the real world. The real world is limited to rules standards and well humans having completely free will. You can't control what happens in your life but you can control what happens to your character you can do, write, and draw w.e happening cause-
You aren't bound by the rules that limit this reality. The control aspect is what people enjoy about problematic fiction. You can control and dictate *ANY* of the events emotions and actions of the characters and the response from said character, and someone enjoying and-
Condoning the content in fiction doesn't translate to IRL because there's a lack of control. People get hurt in the real world, people get damaged, people die in the real world. There are lasting effects to a person irl making things like that extremely dangerous.
2. Anime characters and cartoons in general have a special appeal because they again don't have to conform to our reality. The appeal of these characters young and old and even alien stem from them looking unnatural. They don't have faces like us they don't have eyes like us-
They aren't anything like us which brings the appeal of the character to a lot of people. A lot of times people's attraction to something in fiction is limited to that just fiction and doesn't leak into the real world due to the attraction being solely based on it not being IRL.
3. These things are ok because the brain is capable of feeling things for characters and are also capable of telling the difference between what's real and what's not as our brain can make connections and attachments to anything. It becomes an issue if they were already crazy to-
Start with but outside of that any normal person can dictate what's real and what's not
TLDR for those who are gonna spam the "Mucho texto"
1. People like to write and draw problematic things cause there's control
2. The attraction to cartoons is based on it looking abnormal and not human-like
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