Watching Cuomo's reaction to the Supreme Court ruling and it just amazes me how blind he is to his own biases. I'm not really a religious person and haven't attended a worship service of any kind in years. 1/
But it is patently obvious to me, because I'm not an idiot, that exercises of religious freedom are being discriminated against in New York (and many other places) relative to secular activities. 2/
If there's a public health related reason for a certain number of people not to be in a certain kind of space, then it doesn't matter the reason people might get together in those spaces. 3/
I don't understand how he doesn't see that he's allowing exemptions for "following the science" based on what he, in his own view, thinks are important things to do, and that this really utterly destroys the concept of "following the science" altogether. 4/
So many of these leaders need to wake the fuck up. There are not enough police in the country to force everyone into compliance. If we're going to get through this it takes voluntary public buy in. 5/
You know what destroys voluntary public buy in? Blatantly obvious inconsistency in application of the rules. When people see this shit happening, they don't just reject that particular inconsistent application of the rules, they reject the rules altogether. 6/
This is how you get people who think the virus is fake or just a means for the government to control people, and just refuse to do any of the things that should be done - it's because people like Cuomo actively foster that impression. End. 7/
By the way, Gov. Cuomo? Your response to the virus has also been shitty from a public health/outcomes standpoint, objectively one of the five worst in the whole country from a state government perspective, regardless of how good some people think you sound on TV.
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