“Of all activities on the internet, porn has the most potential to become addictive”

- Dutch Neuroscientists
The most basic effect of watching porn is how it affects sleep. People end up being unable to concentrate on work next day. Constant bingeing and seeking that dopamine reward hit, can lead to a deep habit that is hard to kick.
People addicted to porn often experience negative feelings such as depression or feeling flat when they miss it. This drives them back to it again and again to try and restore those feelings. Also causes the addicted person to feel stressed. It is a vicious cycle.
When their internal biology is out of balance, brain tries to blame past experiences for it. Low dopamine produce unpleasant feelings like boredom, stress, tiredness, low energy, anger, craving, depression, loneliness and anxiety. People don't realize it until they quit porn.
The effect of watching highly stimulating porn can lead to a hangover and depressive symptoms too. Consuming porn and consuming drugs can have the same effect on the brain. The effects don’t stop at a hangover however. Constant overexposure to porn can produce brain changes.
•Watching porn interferes with normal daily behavior/responsibilities.
•There is a sense of emotional distress, or feeling of withdrawal, when porn use is stopped.
•Continued use porn despite serious consequencesloss of relationship/job, STD infection)
•Sexual dysfunction.
Increasing levels of arousal provided by porn and the thought that there may be someone ever ‘hotter’  in the next video, means that their brain is no longer aroused by real life partners. It can stop people wanting to invest in developing a real life relationship.
Consumption of pornography was experimentally shown to decrease an individual’s ability to delay gratification for more valuable future rewards. In other words, watching porn makes you less logical and less able to take decisions that are clearly in your own interest.
•Psychological Effects•



Personality disorders.

Poor impulse control.

Performance anxiety.

Other mental health issues might contribute to porn addiction behaviors.

Even 3 hours of porn a week can cause reduction in grey matter in key areas of brain.
•Social Effects•

Porn not only does social isolation, but increase one’s likelihood of seeking inappropriate ways of being sexually gratified, it also leads other problems like depression and physical maladies that contribute to porn addictions or unhealthy sex behaviors.
•Some Other Effects•

Increase in high-risk behaviors.

Skewed view of the world.

Decrease in ability to build healthy relationships.

Normalization of sexual violence.

Increase in aggression towards women.
•Sex Trafficking•

Researches have shown that people overinvolved in porn often find the normal porn boring and they search for the terms like "violent" and "forced", In which the females are shown tortured in the video. Normal porn actresses refuse to do these violent scenes.
So for these kinds of video the makers import minor girls from different parts of the world through sex trafficking, Girls are kidnapped and then sold to the porn industry and then they are drugged ,forced into porn, then raped. Sometimes the video you are watching is real rape.
Porn isn't sex education,
"Porn is rape education" and that's a fact.
An overview..
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