BREAKING: Another Iranian nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizaddh, has been assassinated, Iranian media report. Iran has blamed Israel for past assassinations of nuclear scientists.
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu named Mohsen Fakhrizadeh in 2018 in a presentation about Iran’s nuclear program.
Via @paulrubens
Important thread on this killing and past assassinations by Israel 👇🏽
Netanyahu has been a top opponent of diplomacy with Iran from day one and used everything in his power to stop the Iran deal under Obama.
Iranian foreign minister reaction
Anti-war groups are concerned about this assassination complicating Biden’s plan for diplomacy with Iran.
Middle East expert @AssalRad
Trump claimed he is the best negotiator and kept promising a better deal with Iran. But his Iran policy has been a complete failure.
This assassination will have a chilling effect on Iran’s political space; the atmosphere will be even more securitized, civil society and political opposition will be pressured even more, and the anti-West discourse will be strengthened in Iran’s upcoming presidential election.
Peace activists warn of the impact of this assassination on Biden’s Iran policy.
Anti-war group @PeaceAction👇🏽
Policy Director @defpriorities👇🏽
How would media cover this if the situation was reversed?
Netanyahu has long tried to sabotage US-Iran diplomacy.
Former American diplomat 👇🏽
Trump/Pompeo are soon leaving the White House with a policy that failed to curb Iran’s nuclear program or change its regional presence. Biden in contrast has a clear plan for diplomacy and a high chance for success.
Past assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists did not affect Iran's nuclear program but instead increased tensions between Iran and the West and made diplomacy harder and more complicated.
These assassinations have little impact on Iran's nuclear policy. But they have a psychological effect on the country's political space, making it more difficult and dangerous to criticize the nuclear policy, tying the hands of Iran's pro-diplomacy camp.
Important: The @StateDept recently reaffirmed there are currently no nuclear weapons activities in Iran.
The MEK recently highlighted #MohsenFakhrizadeh as the person running an alleged nuclear site near Tehran. Netanyahu also highlighted his name in 2018.
This assassination will provoke Iran to react, it will increase the already high level of tensions between Tehran and Washington, complicate Biden's future negotiations with Iran, and strengthen the anti-diplomacy camp in Iran.
Democratic Senator warns of the dangerous trend set by these assassinations and the normalization of extrajudicial killings. We already saw that when Iran tried to retaliate against past assassinations by bombing plots against Israeli diplomats worldwide.
Trump/Pompeo/Netanyahu will frame this assassination as a way to limit Iran's nuclear program. But past assassinations proved the opposite. The real impact is to tie the hands of pro-diplomacy camps in Washington and Tehran, and prevent future agreements.
A policy that has proven to be ineffective and dangerous, is repeatedly framed in simplistic and false terms. Important note from @IlhanMN policy advisor here:
Important comment from @GeraldoRivera.
Former CIA director calls this assassination "criminal" and "highly reckless", rightfully points out the higher risks of retaliation and regional conflict, and advises Iran to continue strategic patience until Biden comes into office in January.
Retired Israeli general says this assassination can lead Iran to a violent response which will then provide a pretext for Trump to attack Iranian nuclear facilities, as he wanted, before he leaves the White House.
Important for @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris or their foreign policy team @ABlinken @jakejsullivan to push back against these assassinations, the dangerous precedence they set, and the risk of a response from Iran that will further increase tensions and bring the region closer to war.
Trump and allies will try to frame this assassination the same way they tried to justify Soleimani's killing last year. Here is an important note from former CIA director on why these killings are far different than killing ISIS and Al-Qaeda leaders.
The assassination will either provoke Tehran to retaliate and bring Iran and the US closer to war, or even if Iran doesn't retaliate it will complicate the path to diplomacy for the incoming Biden admin.
Hardline students gather outside National Security Council in Tehran, asking Rouhani to stop negotiations with the US, and demanding retaliation against the assassination of #MohsenFakhrizadeh. Placards read: Silence is a permit for future assassinations.
You can follow @NegarMortazavi.
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