I am a student of history, where we are today is very similar to where things were in the early 30's when the Nazi party came in Play-funny thing is...I went to some historical websites just to cross reference stuff...they have been scrubbed or changed. Wake up....
The one thing Hitler did was promote class warfare (sound similar) Attacked capitalism (sound similar) monitored all radio transmissions & if was neg of the party it was cut off/censored (sound familiar). How quickly you forget...but hey there are apparently 30 genders
Nazi's had a gun registry (made you register) then...in time banned them. Nazi's were originally called New Social Democrats ...

But hey...its just history...It won't repeat
Concentration camps were originally called work camps. They were for political prisoners & or people who were critical of the regime. The Nazi party put a tax on people that was > 60% of their earnings (sound familiar). Nazi party blamed everyone else for there problems
So...people say to me the way things are going is progressive. I look at them and see how blinded they are. This is not progressive -this is regressive. and what is so sad is that these people will be the first to experience true horrors & will be shocked...and confused
But hey. Orange man bad
Last thing on this thread. The Nazi party created the elite..the SS.The SS felt they were above all else (sound familiar).The foot soldiers for the Nazi party were the Brow shirts causing problems and doing the dirty work while experiencing praise by Hitler and media (familiar?)
One other issue of interest. Nazi's made healthcare for everyone-free. Before this Germany had the best Doctors, best medical research. Once this happened there was no more research done until the camps (think about that). If one needed elective surgery the wait time was > 8 nth
If you are stupid enough not to see the comparisons or...do not are to see the comparisons and just sit and play your PS 5 and argue over bullshit...well good Luck
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