Football Question thread (Controversial opinions)
1. Is Var Trash and Unnecessary?
2. Is the Premier League overrated?
3. Was Sepp Blatter's tenure as FIFA president a corrupt one?
4. Was Messi's Balon d'Or in 2010 well deserved?
5. Are full backs underrated and can win games on their own?
6. Did Puyol have a better legacy than Ramos is having?
7. Were the English golden generation of 2000 (Owen, Scholes, Beckham) overrated and Had no chance of winning any major tournament?
8. Arteta, Lampard, Solskjær. Rank?
9. Who is more Entertaining to watch, Ozil or Kevin De Bruyne?
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10. Did Beckham's talent get overshadowed by his fame?
11. Is Prime Busquet top 5 DMs of all time?
12. Are English players mostly overhyped by the British media?
13. Is Mbappe's only competition for Future Balon d'Ors Haaland?
14. Is Mourinho a better tactician than Guardiola?
15. Who is more Reliable, Kane or Aguero?
16. Was Lampard a better midfielder than Gerrard and Scholes?
17. Should clean sheets be a major criteria in the comparison of Goal keepers?
18. Is Ramos a bigger Madrid Legend than Cristiano Ronaldo?
19. Winning a treble or winning a World cup?
20. Are we going to see 2 players go head to head like Messi and Ronaldo?
End of Thread. Need more football mutuals on my TL, follow me I'll follow back.
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