#BREAKING Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh has been assassinated in Damavand, east of Tehran
Fakhrizadeh had once survived a Mossad assassination plan a few years ago, according to Israeli reports.
Fakhrizadeh was killed on eve of assassination anniversary of other high-profile nuclear scientist Majid Shahriari, who was killed on Nov. 29, 2010 in a car bomb.
It's interesting as Al-Qaeda 2nd-in-command was also killed in Tehran on anniv. of bombings of US embassies in Africa
Update: Fakhrizadeh and his bodyguard were attacked by a suicide attacker at the entrance of Absard town. He finally has succumbed to the wounds he received. His bodyguard was also severely wounded
While even the state TV's Press TV is reporting the assassination, Spokesman for Iran's Nuclear Energy Organization is denying the report, saying all Iranian nuclear scientists are safe
Nour News, the media outlet of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, confirms the "assassination", but says it will update the report on his health condition.
Iran's state TV just confirmed the assassination.
Here's a photo which apparently shows the scene where Fakhrizadeh was assassinated today
Latest update from IRGC media: Fakhrizadeh has been killed by shooting, but before the shootout, his car has been stopped with an explosion at Mostafa Khomeini Blvd. Several others are also reportedly killed in the incident, but haven't been identified yet.
First footage of the assassination, circulating on Iranian media.

Four others are reportedly killed along with Fakhrizadeh
Iran's state TV right now quoted IRGC Chief-Commander as saying that "as always, Iran will take revenge for its nuclear scientists."
The video was originally published by IRGC's Fars News, whose reporter says three or four other people, who are said to be the terrorists, have been killed in the incident.
First photo of Fakhrizadeh's car attacked by the assassins today
Another set of photos released by IRGC's Fars News
Right now, state media are changing their words, saying Fakhrizadeh is still alive and being treated. But he's in severe conditions
IRGC Chief commander's reaction: Hegemonic system assassinates our nuclear scientists to violently prevent us from achieving modern sciences https://twitter.com/salamy_ir/status/1332317809527955458
The Iranian Defense Ministry just released a statement and confirmed that efforts to save Fakhrizadeh have failed, and he's been "martyred".
This footage shows he's been transferred to hospital with a chopper.
Health Ministry says all his companions except for his bodyguard are fine.
Dehqan, a military aide to Iran's Leader and a presidential candidate for 2021 elections, vowed to "wreak havoc" on murderers of Fakhrizadeh
This photo, by Tasnim, shows the Nissan pickup which was blown up to stop #Fakhrizadeh car
Update: The assassination took place at 14:30 local time, according to Iranian media
This list has been released by state media outlet YJC, showing Fakhrizadeh among those blacklisted by UNSC Resolution 2231. YJC claims sanctions against these people were lifted on Oct. 18 along with Iran's arms embargo
Chief of Staff of Iran's Armed Forces Baqeri: Harsh revenge awaits those who ordered and executed the assassination of #Fakhrizadeh
Iran's top commander General Baqeri said the assassins of #Fakhrizadeh were affiliated with Israel and the Global Arrogance.
Iran's state TV: The Nissan pickup carried a huge amount of explosives, hidden under a wood cargo. When it exploded, it was so heavy that the car's door was thrown 200-300 meters away. Then an SUV with armed people has started shooting at #Fakhrizadeh's car. One arrested so far
Just for the record https://twitter.com/Reza_Khaasteh/status/1332361611605106688
Here's a new footage by Fars News of the car attacked by assassins today. That seems like a lot of bullets
For those interested in how the operation was carried out, Iran's Defense Minister changed the sequence of events on state TV: First, assassins started to shoot at Fakhrizadeh's car, and 15 seconds later, a Nissan pickup was blown up 15-20 meters away (to stop the car)
Iranian DM didn't confirm that there has been shootout after the explosion, and just said the shootout started 20 seconds before the explosion, and was underway until the blast
More details: the assassin have escaped the scene, and efforts are underway to find them https://twitter.com/Reza_Khaasteh/status/1332404924244758532
New update from IRGC media: there were 12 assassins and only 4 bodyguards. One bodyguard was shot 4 times and the other 2 times, both are in severe conditions
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