1/4 Return to Play update: England
Following the Prime Minister’s announcement yesterday, 23 November, about England returning to a new three-tier system of regional restrictions from 02 Dec, below is an update on the implications for baseball and softball activity in England.
2/4 • Tier 1: Outdoor up to 30 participants. Indoor follows the rule of 6
• Tier2: O/d up to 30 p/p. I/d limited to single households or support bubbles
• Tier 3: O/d up to 30 p/p. I/d activity prohibited
• Children U18 and disabled people: activity permitted across all tiers
3/4 Activity includes games, training and coaching and should always be undertaken following the approved protocols published on our RTP hub: https://bit.ly/3mj8d1q .
For Indoor activity, further guidance can be found here: https://bit.ly/39l3NmY .
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