Truth is, not every woman you come across will find you suitable to be her dominant.

A thread
It doesn't matter how alpha you think you are or how much you've embraced your masculinity. There are alpha widows who have imprinted on an alpha already & to them, no other man can compete.

(how you see yourself vs how she sees you)
What you MUST NOT DO is force her into submission or negotiate why she should submit. These traits are toxic and unsustainable. No man with any sense of self value should find himself in this position.
She's not a woman to submit to you, that's okay, just move on and don't look back.
Relationships should be on your terms. Build a strong frame, abundance mindset, embrace the power of "No", be in control of your urges, prioritise your purpose, be confident, get that gwap, make better lifestyle choices and live like a king!
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