I used to be quite pragmatic around slurs involving learning disability. My aim was to deter new casually ableist terms like “retard”. I reasoned it was too hard to reprogram our brains. But the @BBC is fierce around pro nouns so I feel it’s time for them to wake up to ableism
It’s correct to be inclusive of NB people, correct to expect us to show consideration to who someone is. Casual slurs of learning disabled people has become standard at the @BBC It might be tricky to think more inclusively, tricky for presenters identify their mistakes
But the continued use of learning disability slurs to identify those mistakes has to stop. Things don’t have to move slowly, the @BBC can catch up to the horrors learning disabled people live with and actively change the stigma they’re helping to create by changing their language
Learning disabled people pay the licence fee just like everyone else. They don’t get the representation and they don’t get the basic consideration that is mandatory for every other demographic targeted by hatred. On a channel dominated by words why are ableist slurs standardised?
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