1. The momentum behind the campaign for #MedicalCannabis in #Ireland has been growing over the last few weeks (thread)
2. Since the beginning of the #covid19 pandemic, the HSE has organised the delivery of the medicine from the Netherlands to patients who hold the licence in Ireland. However, this will stop once covid restrictions are lifted.
4. The 11th of November was the first in a series of talks organised by @StopmyPPMS in conjunction with @UCDSU Students for Sensibly Drug Policy. @StopmyPPMS and @TomCurran shared their experiences of treating MS with #cannabis
5. Stephen's story was covered in the media the next day. @StopmyPPMS
6. On the 12th of November @lukeming highlighted the issues @veras1 is facing in trying to get the government to engage to confirm that the delivery of Ava's medication will not stop once #covid restrictions are lifted. @MichealMartinTD
8. 16th of November - as part of a project with @kennytynan, I put out a call asking people to share their stories to be included in a booklet. We have received a fantastic response!
9. On the 17th of November we got great news from @kennytynan, who holds a ministerial license for #cannabis in Ireland. However, he is still fighting to have the costs reimbursed @roinnslainte. His prescription is costing him €4000 every 3 months!!
10. 17th November - @veras1 spoke to PJ on @OpinionLine96. She says the prospect of travelling to the Netherlands again once restrictions are lifted is beyond dangerous for immune compromised people like her daughter Ava. https://play.acast.com/s/corks-96-fm-opinion-line/podcastextra-veratwomeysaysmedicinalcannabisdeliveriesmustcontinue
11. The 17th of November also marked 1 year since I moved from my home in #Ireland to Spain to access #cannabis to treat my #ChronicPain. And after I posted this, @NewstalkFM @LunchtimeLiveNT got in touch.
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