Twitter introduced "Fleets" in an attempt to lower barriers of entry for engagement for users, thinking that if the tweets only last 24 hours, they're more likely to do _something_

If Twitter were serious about higher engagement, they'd bite the bullet and formalise the "alt"
The biggest problem that social media introduced, was flattening everyone's social circles into 1 thing, aggressively mashing what had been decades of social convention into 1 place, and expecting them to just suddenly all get along well
I love dank memes, I love my family, that doesnt mean I want my dank memes and family suddenly merging. Theres a reason social circles are kept apart. Facebook was by far the biggest offender here, but Twitter isnt backed into this corner nearly as much
Twitter depends less heavily on digitising actual human identities, and is very condusive to just having an "online persona". You don't have to look very far to find obvious examples of massive success in this space
Almost all social media platforms consider the alt verboten, even though (especially on Twitter) they're very prelavent. However in addition to the reasons above, attempting to bucket everyone with a single account causes you to lose out on a bunch of data
If people start repositioning their accounts and behaviours on them to account for the fact they have 1, you can only tap into the data that this half-identity provides. This is pretty bad for any business that sells insights on that data, such as ad social platforms
Increasing granularity increases fidelity for you. In this case, adding a low barrier of entry and well governed mechanism for alt accounts provides the granularity, and capturing more and better data provides the fidelity
Twitter gets better data thats easier to aggregate over than their current technique for handling alts, sees better engagement from users who want places to tweet spicy stuff.

Don't see how this isnt a win all around
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