I got a 12 hour ban yesterday for being nasty about St Sunack via a tweet put out by the Today Programme/Nick Robinson. I was impressed by the speed of my banning. Generally, if I report a tweet it takes ages to even get an acknowledgement, and days to get any action.
Of course, I only report stuff like racism, or violent threats against women who dare to express an opinion, so what do I expect. Still, the time wasn't wasted. I found out some interesting facts about the BBC from Ofcom:
87% of the population use BBC services, compared to 92% three years ago.
People ages 16 - 34 send les than an hour a day using BBC services.
Only 54% of adults believe that the BBC provides impartial news, and about 20% rate the corporation badly for impartiality.
Viewers now see the BBC as the least impartial public service broadcaster behind ITV, Channel 4, and Sky.
Overall, more people were dissatisfied with the BBC's news performance, up from 14% to 17%. Women in particular appeared to have been turned off by last year's GE coverage.

It seems there is a price to pay for allowing yourself to be a useful idiot.
As for me, I do find it odd that a person who represents a government whose policies have led to the deaths of 120,000 our fellow citizens through austerity, and 50,000 Covid deaths is given a voice, whilst those who object are silenced.
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