🇺🇸 Do you feel it? JoeM “shits about to get real?”
▪️Sometimes you feel the Make America Great Again in your soul!
▪️Something Biblical is coming!
▪️Trump & the JFK watch...timing is everything!
▪️ @GenFlynn is free
▪️Most Importantly, Jesus is leading our country back to Him.
2. Things are moving into place
▪️Chris Miller takes over as Acting Secretary of Defense
▪️ Army Brig. Gen. Anthony Tata-top Pentagon official
▪️ Kash Patel (former aide Devin Nunes) chief of staff to Miller
▪️ Ezra Cohen-Watnick-acting under secretary of defense for intelligence
3. 🚨 And this! WOW
▪️ Defense Policy Board Firings!
▪️Former Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger & Madeleine Albright fired!
—>Her comments on murder of 1/2 million children are sick!

▪️Former House Intelligence committee Jane Harman & Eric Cantor fired
4. Gitmo growth! Those Ships can hold a lot of evil monsters guilty of treason, trafficking humans/drugs/weapons, election fraudsters, Antifa/BLM paid terrorists, Democrats/Rhino Republicans who sold us out, those who hurt children...going to need big ships with lots of sharks 🦈 https://twitter.com/believe_coach/status/1329566759817531393
6. @realDonaldTrump watch looks an awful lot like JFK’s!
▪️DJT’s new picture seems to feature the watch!
—>Lots of watch comms!
▪️White House Dark tonight except for one window!
7. @GenFlynn comms? Perhaps!
▪️Faith, Family, and Friends
▪️F=6 & now add the 3 letters? 666
▪️Flynn direct communication to Cabal with 666? White Hats are winning!
▪️Flynn posting many Bible passages! WHY? JESUS already won, but we need to get that message to as many as we can! https://twitter.com/genflynn/status/1332029544304349184
8. Ezra Cohen-Watnik is quite the Patriot!
▪️Ezra interned for Biden! 🧐
▪️Ezra did work in Haiti 🧐
▪️Ezra knows the Flynn’s 🤔
▪️Kennedy grandkids sang “Timber.” You don’t say! Take a look at the 50 second mark...now that’s interesting isn’t it!
9. Love both passages!
▪️Esther 4:14
▪️Malachi 4:2
▪️What book title is on the left upside down?
▪️Airlift Operations coin is beautiful and full of meaning!
Thanks @WarriorForGod69 for showing me this! https://twitter.com/georgenewsorg/status/1332200377635237888
10. @RudyGiuliani words of wisdom!
▪️The Battle is Real
▪️We have ultimate faith in The higher power(King Jesus) just like Elisha when he was able to see the Might of the Heavens
▪️The sound of the Trump!
▪️Mathew 24:31-41
11. 🎚The sound of the Trump!
▪️Mathew 24:31-45
▪️Sounding of the shofar!
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