It's Flow Vs Event.

The money you get from "ending billionaires" would be an Event.

It will happen just once.
And you will burn that Cash while building nothing.

Then the Flow that created that Event will get much smaller as Capital, Skill and Motivation leaves the Economy.
Events come and go.
What you should look at is the flow that could improve the lives of the poorer people.

And the sustainable angle is innovation and market system that reduces the cost of basics required for a decent life

Redirecting cashflow is a temporary and ill-fated way.
"Focus on the message, not the Messenger" is a naive remark.

A closer look at the Messenger provides context on the Message.

A lot of the core push for Socialism comes from people who struggle in 1st World Cities that are expensive but don't want to move to cheaper locations.
New York
San Francisco

You get the drift. Cities that serve international business purposes and attract a lot of demand that pushes up prices.

They are attractive to an intellectual class but are only liveable if you earn at a certain level.
One of the most dangerous things in Society is the well-educated but financially unfulfilled person who gets jealous of those he sees as unworthy of wealth.

What they usually do is attack the system that they feel placed them beneath those they see as their inferiors.
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