1/The Manhattan Project and Why It's Relevant
2/ The Manhattan Project was a research and development undertaking during World War II that produced the first nuclear weapons. Research and production took place at more than thirty sites across the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada.
3/ Did you know that on 11.25.1942: Leslie Groves appointed Robert Oppenheimer as Laboratory Director for "Project Y", at a top secret location, in Los Alamos, NM?

Wait [Y] as in 💧3599 - A Higher Loyalty [Y]
4/ Los Alamos Laboratory was a top secret lab where the Manhattan Project built the actual bombs.
5/ Oppenheimer, co-authored, One World or None: A Report to the Public on the Full Meaning of the Atomic Bomb, a 1946 best seller. Other notable authors included Niels Bohr & Albert Einstein
6/ The purpose of the book was to illustrate the magnitude of their scientific breakthrough, discuss the implications for world policy, and caution, in the words of Nobel Prize-winning chemist Harold C. Urey, that "There is No Defense."
7/ From wise men to wise men. Kissinger wrote Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy, when Americans were worried about trailing the Soviets. Sputnik was launched that OCTOBER. He described a world w/o a massive nuclear retaliatory strike, but the use of nuclear weapons in local wars
8/Local wars as in domestic terrorism? ANTIFA? Isn't this all a part of [their] Playbook?

Oh...About that. Henry Kissinger was released from his duties today. Coincidentally, one day after the anniversary of Project Y.
9/ Remember Cob? Poor guy didn't get pardoned.
Who is Cob anyhow?

Meet Don Cobb
Associate Director for Threat Reduction Los Alamos National Laboratory

Cobb was an American "hero" who's prior planning facilitated a quick 9/11 response.
10/ "Through our work in these areas, Los Alamos has developed a skill and technology base that enabled us to respond immediately following the September 11 attacks to calls for assistance in counter-terrorism and homeland security" - Don Cobb https://www.eurekalert.org/features/doe/2002-09/danl-ala090502.php
11/ On 3.6.2002, Cobb spoke before the Senate at a hearing called "Dirty Bombs and Basement Nukes: The Terrorist Nuckear Threat", which was led by Chairman Joseph R Biden.

H/T @re5iGam for the vid skillz
12/ 💧 2396
POTUS meeting PUTIN on 11.11
Now what are the odds of that?

PING. Red October. The Hunters become the Hunted.

H/T @Dank_Pill
13/ 💧1357
What must happen pre 11.11?
11.11 provided as strategic marker.
Post midterms.
RED wave coming?

[Y] = Atomic = NWO or BOMB?
POTUS knows. He always knows.
14/ On 11.20.1983, during tensions w/ Moscow, Ronald Reagan watched a made-for-tv movie, The Day After, while at Camp David 🧐
In his diary, Reagan wrote of the film: "It has Lawrence, Kansas wiped out in a nuclear war with Russia. It is powerfully done…very effective”👇🏼 https://twitter.com/lizsfg/status/1332143360472190983
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