Without discounting anyone’s efforts, I want us to admit that hard work looks different when you are privileged than when you aren’t—access to social, cultural & financial capital means your work is already advantageous & rewarded, it’s disingenuous to pretend otherwise.
I was chatting to a friend and I was wondering what hard work looks like when you grew up with a silver spoon in your mouth, surely privilege doesn’t mean you don’t work hard, but it means that work looks different. You navigate the world differently when you have a safety net
Imagine the risks that you are able to take because you know mom and dad as well the connections have you covered. You actually dare to dream big because you don’t live hand to mouth. Chasing dreams is a luxury, it’s hard to dream when you worry about basic things like food hey
I don’t think it’s bad to be privileged, you shouldn’t be ashamed of your privilege, it’s not your fault that you were born rich or to educated parents. What it means however is that you should be honest & acknowledge that privilege in all you do & not fabricate struggle stories
People who come after you are supposed to have it easier than you. There’s no virtue in struggling. Struggle is not a prerequisite for success. If you are in a position to make things easier for your friends, family & others, do it. They don’t have to struggle for the sake of it
So my darling if your politically connected father or famous mother or media mogul uncle opens doors for you, don’t gaslight us and come here & claim that you started from the bottom—It’s crass, it’s a lie, and it’s dumb. You have a head start, use it to climb but be honest too
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