BJP is still in “we are the real secularists” phase. Nothing else explains its approach to framing laws against ‘Love Jihad’ in MP and UP. Problem is specific: sharia marriage which allows all kinds of abuse. Solution is simple: ban it in case woman is not Muslim. But BJP govts..
...have framed a secular law and we know how such laws are applied in India-disproportionately. So, again it comes down to how Police will act on the ground. Their basic instinct is anyway to suppress cases esp communal ones. We know their courage in dealing with samuday vishesh.
Nevertheless, let me explains two issues here: 1) Why UP and MP laws are duds; 2) How making secular law when solving a specific communal problem can do more harm.

1. UP/MP laws say marriage done for sole purpose of conversion will be declared null and void.

Who does it help?
Not the women trapped in such marriages.

Problem is not that marriage is done for conversion but conversion is done for marriage. Why can’t govts understand this simple thing?

Plus it will be impossible to prove in court that a man married only for conversion. No convictions!
As far as 2 months notice is concerned, IMO it was termed unconstitutional by Himachal HC. Already a PIL is in Delhi HC to remove any notice period for marriages under Special Marriage Act

I am sceptical if this clause will survive given discourse on privacy and values of our SC
Now coming to 2) part. Issue with making a secular law for a communal problem.

MP is mandating jail term for any priest/maulvi indulging in converting. This is a LJ law. What the heck are you doing bringing priests into this? So they are making gharwapsi illegal via a LJ law 🤷🏻‍♂️
Also how do you think our secular police will act? From their record we know their daring level in acting against Hs Vs samuday vishesh. Why bring a nonsense secular law to deal with a specific problem emanating from one community? Such things can do more harm than good.
Should people even consider raising any Hindu issue with BJP? Because they end up coming up with such bizarre non-solutions which do more damage. And I don’t know how we reach out to leadership to understand what it’s thinking is or why what we propose doesn’t get entertained!
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