Worried about the #GreatReset? It simply means the technology we thought would liberate us is being exploited to kill off democracy and create a coercive social credit surveillance society where nobody is free and everybody is happy or else. OK?
In short, we’re being frogmarched into progressive Utopia, where democracy is fascism and free speech is hate, and where our freedom is safely stored in the cloud so we don’t have to worry about it ever again.
We’ll have a cashless society, meaning a surveillance society, where everyone’s behaviour can be closely monitored and easily corrected by cutting off access to money and life.
We’ll own nothing, not even our democratic birthright, and we’ll be happy. And if we’re not happy we’ll be sent to a re-education centre until we are happy.
China has led the way in this, and you can bet a Biden administration will be keen to follow. If big tech succeeds in helping him steal the election, big tech will be rewarded and will be allowed to continue censoring the truth and suppressing political dissent and free speech.
Don’t like it? Build your own society.
You can follow @patcondell.
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