2000 me: Wow you still work on the web, that's amazing. It must be so easy to publish really interesting web pages.

2020 me: Uhhhhh.
2020 me: On the upside you can pay a low fee and listen to any album by anyone ever made.

2000 me: That must create some amazing opportunities for musicians!

'20: Well.

'00: There also must be some really good music discussion forums.

'20: Okay so.
2000 me: Are there like a million new HTML tags?

2020 me: Well, it's complicated.

'00: I bet! Are we up to like XHTML 7 with two-way links? God I bet blogs are amazing now. How do people even know what to read?

'20: Less of a problem than you'd expect.
2000 me: How does HTML work now?

2020 me: Pretty easy, you define app logic as unidirectional dataflow, then fake up pseudo-HTML components that mirror state, and a controller mounts fake-page deltas onto the browser surface.

'00: How do you change the <title>?

'20: You can't.
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