We have a toxic environment around sports in general that means we don’t do them after age 13 or so when you stop being “good enough” for the expensive recreational leagues
(Baseball in particular is dominated by a culture that hates fun and individuality.)
And now we’re turning to gambling to save sports leagues? Ask horse racing how that went.

When we stopped seeing horses every day, we stopped wanting to watch them race.
The sports leagues have been chasing tight Boomer cash for 30 years and haven’t done a goddamn thing to stay culturally relevant
Baseball is so culturally irrelevant a Washington NFL football player had to be told he was wearing a Cincinnati Reds hat after winning a game against the Cincinnati Bengals.
I love baseball. A lot. But we are rapidly approaching a moment when it will only exist as a PPV/paywalled video stream for its committed fans.

Another sport hit that wall in the late 1980s: BOXING.
There’s a reason folks are getting excited about an upcoming Mike Tyson exhibition match. He was probably the last great champ folks ever saw on broadcast TV.
The kids today won’t know Trout or even Soto because you’d have to have already been subscribed to cable or http://MLB.TV  to watch them. But MLB won’t care. They’re too busy chasing Boomer cash with nostalgia to look to the future
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