Look, I’ve been off Twitter most of the day and I can’t tell if this tiny desk is a joke or real. It seems too perfect to be real. And yet.
I don’t understand anything about it and I have so many questions about everything in it
Does he just not give a fuck anymore, or are the people managing him taking this opportunity to fuck with him?
Is the tree supposed to, like, be a 3D extension of the mural? Did they just pause the Christmas decorating midway for a tiny desk photo op? Did he just spill his snack cup on the floor and that’s why they vacuumed it so weirdly?
Are we supposed to think he’s Santa and he just fell down the chimney and that’s why he’s in the fireplace? Why are his pants so short? Why is the seal on the desk so big when the desk is so small? Why is the mic in the photo? HELP
Did they think a smaller desk would make him look more imposing? I DON’T UNDERSTAND ANY OF THIS
I mean, bravo to whoever set up this scene and created this work of art, I sincerely salute you.
It’s like one of those “just like Mommy” mini kitchen sets they sell in toy catalogs, but for the Resolute Desk. I can’t stop looking at it.
Why didn’t they just use the regular desk? Also is that mic even plugged in? What are those papers on the desk even supposed to be when he doesn’t have a pen? Is this just a piano bench they grabbed from somewhere? I have SO MANY QUESTIONS.
Did they have to saw down the legs on that chair, or
It keeps coming through my feed and every time it gets better.
I don’t think a team of experts could engineer a photo to make him look more ridiculous and seriously, this was a service to all of us.
Do you think when he came in he noticed how tiny the desk was or not until after he sat down?
“Wtf is wrong with this desk?”
“No, sir, I assure you the desk is extemely normal, you’re just so great that normal things seem tiny in comparison”
“No sir, looks totally normal height to me, Mr. President” *snickers*
I feel like he didn’t notice how short the desk was until he sat down and then he was too embarrassed to say anything about it because that would be admitting a mistake. Right? And so he just had to sit there on his little dachsund chair pretending everything was totally normal.
I wonder if there is footage of him trying to stand up from the chair.
Woke up this morning and found that someone tweeted “Thank you for your breakdown here” and I *think* they meant it in the logical, orderly sense, but in full disclosure, it was definitely the other kind of breakdown, and I’m sincerely glad it brought you all so much joy.
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