Guys, I have been in Vietnam for the entire covid pandemic. We locked down (real one, not the fake ones you in the USA and EU do) and we essentially are virus-free today. Like NZ and Taiwan. Please smack anyone saying lockdowns don't work.
I want to add, even when a case is found now the government will lock down an entire fucking city. That his how serious they take it. Danang had a break out in the summer. It was fully locked down no one in or out without specific permission and monitoring.
The USA has the resources, the EU has the resources. PAY PEOPLE TO STAY FUCKING HOME. It is that simple. Science is real, your freedom ends at hurting other people (spreading a fucking virus). It is embarrassing to tell people I am American here.
Now the Vaccines are emboldening people. I know people's mental health is struggling. I empathize, I felt in when I did nearly 3 months without leaving a 100 sqm apartment in Saigon. I know your pain. But if you all had just done 2 months like us you'd be fucking fine.
So, now you justify bad behavior and become anti-science to justify more bad behavior it's a spiral of idiocy. No, science is fucking real. 99 percent of you couldn't get a degree in any meaningful science (me either), so why are you pretending to be a scientist?
The few government officials calling for things maybe 1/5th as serious as what we did here are called 'tyrants' LOL. You are babies, snowflakes, and childish. Like Gretchen Whitmer, she's barely asking anything of you but she's a dictator? Babies, you are.
to end this @coolshirtz sponsor me.
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