Desk of B&H
Nov 26

Hemmingway & The Sea

Why was Hemmingway so obsessed with the sea?

Was it to experience the raw power of nature, the sense of wonder at the unknown, the solitude?

Was it the beauty & majesty that the ocean offered when sun & ocean collided with the starboard, man knowing how to navigate charts & maps arriving safely regardless of daunting clouds.

Alone with the thought "You can make it if you tried."
Was it the unbridled storms that fascinated?

The one's that overturned fortunes of countless sailors, pulled under only to be left drifting through the memories of those they left ashore.
What was it Hemmingway?

Were you haunted by the thoughts of broken & battered hulls laid to rest in the depths of the abyss among the sleeping leviathans?
Was it the crucible, the potential for struggle, a rite of passage for your heroes?

Was this your obsession?

To the drifters who never made it back ashore.

- B&H
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