...A good example: someone took a picture of a writer’s room where everyone was Black and highlighted the Hennessy on the table as being Black AF. Another example was Elon James White, in the famous thread, saying he was planning to “quadruple down on [his] blackness,”...
...What would a writer’s room full of Black people be other than Black? How does one who is Black quadruple down on that? It’s like me saying I’m gonna quadruple down on having been born in February or in South Carolina...
...I’ve never been in a room full of Black people and thought to myself “Look at us, being Black,” how does a brain even do that? I think it’s a product of “Only Black kid in school,” syndrome folks really grow up seeing themselves and people like them as out of the ordinary...
...Folks have assimilated so thoroughly, that being Black seems like a choice. (PWhat makes it worse, is that people like this are vastly overrepresented among those who get paid to represent Blackness in the media. It’s weird and disturbing.
I think one of my subjects failed to agree with one of my verbs in my first Tweet. My bad. I got the Itis something terrible. I’m amazed this thread even happened haha.
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