1. This CRAZY man's CRAZY, non-sensical, non-linear rambling, where he splices together AGAIN two distinct topics (and thus, accidentally produces something far more nefarious sounding, but since this is THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA doing that, on the topic of https://twitter.com/politicususa/status/1332111640381304833
2. election returns/election security is a HUGE problem. Its a problem for Reps- who hear from someone who should be a reliable source, wild accusations against an imp political figure in the opposition party, @staceyabrams, even though these allegations are outlandish & recounts
3. by-hand have already disproven Trump's claims about GA's voting system having computer bugs. So we should be gaining more confidence in its system, not less. And its also racist as hell for him to alleging that Abrams is doing illegal things. LOOOOOOONNNNGGG history of GOP or7
4. white conservatives alleging fraud among Black voters and Black activists which is a classic gaslight operation to cover up simultaneous suppression efforts and efforts to disenfranchise the Black community- as we saw in that effort in MI. Its gross. Finally, what Trump is
5. doing to GA's Sec. of State, to that man's whole family: the whole GA Rep Party is about to get a crash course in the sick underbelly of MAGA as it watches one of their one get chewed up and spit out by Trump's monstrous supporters who I have no doubt are blowing up that poor
6. man's life as I type. And yes, he did play a role in obstruction before, in 2018, but when faced w an obvious moral choice here, he did the right thing. He could have done what almost everyone else has done in GA, and beyond. Could have turned a blind yet until it was gone.
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