The reason I like these 3 despite their respective flaws is they treat all housemates equally with respect infront of them and behind the back also
They never look down on any HouseMates inside.

All 3 of them yelled shouted emotionally agitated all the flaws are there.
But when they talk about the person they have issues with they never look down on them as human or treat them less than any housemates inside.
Attitude matters!!!

Listen to this conversation #Anitha & #Sanam about #SureshChakravarthy
This is how they talk about others too.
Salute 👌👌👌
They are doing it for camera or what, don't others know there is cameras watching?

All 3 of them #Sanam #anitha #Aari all of them raise more when it affects them directly.
For #Sanam nomination week she raise up More its her strategy then it's her plus and minus. But it's not malicious plan.
For Anitha short temper and self obsession
For Aari emotional outburst
Despite all the flaws they are standing up for the right thing no matter what and nothing to loose.
Entire house is against them yet they want to be true themselves and proof something

I wish they all succeed.

#anitha #Sanam #Aari

All other house mates complain #Aari #Sanam #Anitha finding faults trying to frame or potray them wrongly. Everyone of them is doing the same too.
But these 3 fighting fundamental injustice to equality, respect, verbal abuse & favourism.

If it's annoying and irritating to viewers to watch them talk about the subtle injustices and inequalities in the live national television this all happens among us, many voice out outside too their voices are not heard.
Let the voices be heard

Unfortunate thing about #Sanam is, she had to.start from.the second day coz #Balaji used the terms #dubhakoor and #Adjustment first 2 days itself.
Hence she was labeled problem maker for voicing out.
But for others it later stage.

The reason #sanam can be level headed and talk to #balaji or #suresh despite all the fights is.
She don't carry the vengeance its the greatest quality.
For her issues need to be addressed if addressed she will be quiet.

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