Fresh from his stint as director of the CIA and before becoming Vice President and then President of the U.S., from 1977 to 1979 George H.W. Bush presided over the Executive Board of Eli Lilly & Co. – one of the pharmaceutical corporate giants.
The company is controlled by the Quayle family of Indiana, and Dan Quayle became Bush’s Vice- President. The Bush administration’s Budget Director, Mitch Daniels, was also a Lilly senior executive. It was Lilly that bankrolled Rudy Giuliani’s speaking tour early in his 2008
Presidential campaign.
“TamiFlu’s patent was owned by Gilead, Inc., of which the CEO and major shareholder was (and still is) former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, the architect of “shock & awe” in Iraq. Rumsfeld con­tinues to get a percentage on every box of TamiFlu sold.”
­ “Rumsfeld was also CEO of Searle, Inc. when the company first began manufacturing NutraSweet (aspartame), ignoring studies that showed the sugar substitute caused lesions in the brain.) The pan­ic was needed to sell TamiFlu and gain acceptance for the onerous conditions in the
Model Emergency Health Powers Act on both federal and state levels.
In the panic generated by yearly health-related emergencies, the pharmaceutical companies played much the same insidious role in setting the political and economic agendas of this country
as have the giant oil companies and banks, with many of the same corrupt individuals determining policies to augment profits and undermine or prevent the fightback against them. Donald Rums­ feld is an important player here, but he is not the only one.”
TWO YEARS BEFORE what we now know simply as “9/11,” a terrorist attack hit New York– or so we were told. U.S. government officials announced that Saddam Hussein had sent some arcane virus that was killing birds, mostly crows & that it could be transmitted to people by mosquitoes.
“Panic en­sued.The mysterious disease threatened to infect & kill people throughout the metropolitan area.”September 4 1999 was an extremely important day in the
history of NYC” 1 one analyst noted. Indeed the future history of our city & the country as well, was about to change.
“Hundreds of people were out in the park sunbathing, reading, kissing, walking their dogs. Kids were everywhere play­ing baseball & soccer. Suddenly, helicopters buzzed just above the tree line & you could see what we later learned to be Malathion – an organophosphate pesticide..
invented as a nerve gas by the Nazis in World War II – spewing out in substantial bursts
The Mayor of New York City at that time, Rudy Giuliani, or­dered the toxic pesticide Malathion sprayed from helicopters, air­ planes & trucks, poisoning the entire population, wildlife,soil
parks and waterways. They drenched Prospect Park that after­noon, spraying the Malathion over and onto hundreds of children. There were a few police cars patrolling, but none of them warned people to get out of the park nor to stay off the streets.
This part..
The “Enron Files” is what
got me. Everywhere you look there’s another fake business.
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