Thread of story ideas I have for the JSA!
1-Jay Garrick: Fast Enough

Present day. There's a mysterious disappearance of Wally, Bart, and Barry. Jay, as the sole Flash, has to take on the threats the normally faster Flashes have to deal with(Even filling on the JL), but he has to deal with the fact that he isn't as fast
2-Doctor Fate: The Strain

After years of Doctor Fate, the helmet drove Kent to insanity and is confined to a mental health hospital, but he has to risk donning the helmet one last time and struggle with his abilities to save the entire DCU from a hidden crisis.
3-Sandman: The Final Dream

Wesley gets the ultimate prophetic nightmare, the end of the world. He has to solve the the miniscule clues leading to the apocalypse, while trying to convince much bigger heroes of the threat . It's a detective story that starts small and ends huge.
4-Wildcat: Comeback

After years of retirement and a barely functional body, Ted Grant feels forgotten and out of place in the world. "Normal life" isn't for him, so with a failed attempt at an in-ring return, he has to reenter the hero ring for one last night to save a young>
<Kid with potential who boxes at Grant's old gym. The kid not only gets inspired by Ted Grant, but specially Wildcat.
5-Hourman: The Thrill
After abusing Miraclo for years, Rex finally gets cured of his addiction and leaves Hourman behind, but with the new age of heroes and Hourman in the past, Rex seeks cheap thrills until he's forced to hit Miraclo one last time to save Superman himself.
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