Schools or Partying?

On 12/11 coronavirus cases spiked to 33k cases, it remains the only day where over 30k have been reported...

But the partying narrative is part of the agenda to keep schools open 'at all costs'

Please read on, it's going to take c. 10 min to post...


We know .gov have been pushing journalists to infer its was due to pre-lockdown partying

For example @nicktriggle's piece from 16/11, but this appears to be lazy journalism.

If we look at data y swab date, a more worrying picture emerges.

We can clearly see there are TWO days with more than 30k cases.

The first and highest on record is actually 2/11. This is the Monday after #lockdown2 was announced.


These cases were caught around 5 days before the announcement.

So, not partying.

Now look at the pattern emerging.

The first schools on half term (Nottingham, Scotland, Kent) returned on 26/10

There was a spike in cases that day

The rest of the country returned on 2/11

There was a spike on that day – and it’s the highest number of cases on record

There appear to be spikes on every Monday since half term. Could this be a sign schools are driving the epidemic?

We know that 80% plus adults don’t isolate when they should.

And evidence parents send children into school when ill:

There are 9 days over HT & 3 over a weekend

Days where symptoms can start showing

So expect a bump in cases where children arrive at school on a Monday looking sickly and get sent for a test

That bump might be more pronounced after half term – more days to show symptoms

But there would also need to be evidence that children are driving infections.

More than 23% of cases are linked to schools:

Latest @ONS data shows rates in Y7-Y11 are the highest of all ages:

Bear in mind that children being the key driver, or a community reservoir, will raise the average, keeping cases high

.gov really are keeping the schools open at all costs.

Why do I care so much?

Many reasons:

-there is massive disruption to education that could have been planned around

-having a reservoir of cases in the community sustains the UK epidemic seems to be lying just to keep schools open and trashing other sectors

As well as @NEUnion, @NASUWT & @EISUnion, many organisations should be shouting down a government obsessed with keeping schools open at all costs.

Just so they don’t cost @GavinWilliamson his career.


Oh, also a bit of self-interest

I am clinically extremely vulnerable & live in a Tier 3 area

I am expected back in a classroom with shoulder to shoulder teens, but I am banned from wearing a mask

@matthancock appears to want to cull me



Many of us would like to see balanced coverage of the schools issue.

Look at the work @SarahDRasmussen did - calling out @ons for distorting figures.

By the time UK Stats Authority rule it will be too late.

Have a look at the data.

Have a look at the threads referenced.

Ask yourself if you agree.

If you do please re-tweet the first tweet in this thread, perhaps with a comment to encourage others to read.

Thank you.

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