I've been in lockdown for 8 months.

These are the lessons I've learnt.

1. Multiple income streams are crucial

So many people were left penniless when lockdown came into action.

Millions of jobs were lost and as a result, people went hungry.

I don't care how dumb you think it is, start online ventures right now.

You'll thank yourself soon.
2. Your friends are not your friends

I started Twitter in April.

I was mocked by 'friends' because they thought it was dumb.

Told me I'd never be successful.

Few months later I get texts asking me if I can teach them.

The people you keep the closest can also hold the gun.
3. There's more to life than waking up and working

Having made a good amount of money during lockdown, it opened by eyes to the true potential of human life.

So many people wake up, commute, work in a job they hate then come home and do it all again.
If it wasn't for lockdown, this would also be the case for me.

Make your number 1 priority self development and making money for a few years so you can live the rest of your life free to do whatever you want.

No boss = Freedom
4. Self development is crucial

I've studied a lot during lockdown.

Courses, books, seminars, podcasts.

All with the purpose of making me a better person.

Financially, mentally and physically.

If you're not developing yourself, you can never progress into the life you want.
5. Having no purpose will ruin your life

Over the past 8 months, my 'why' has been my alarm clock.

It's the main reason I get out of bed in the morning to do what I do.

Without that purpose driving me constantly, I'd be in a huge state of depression and boredom.
6. There are people who will back you 100%

I've connected with many people over the past 8 months.

Nearly all of them supporting my ideas and pushing me to be better.

Don't stick with the people who don't push you to be better just because you think they're your 'friends'.
There's an abundance of people who will love you and will support you no matter what.

Because those people truly understand your potential and can see you'll go far.

Once you find those people, you'll see that the 'friends' you had before were nothing but acquaintances.
7. Make peace with everyone

Holding grudges will do nothing for you.

If you have beef with someone, go make peace with them.

You need all the allies you can get in this life.

More enemies = More problems.

Love everyone and hate no one.
8. If people hate you for no reason, you're on the right path

You'll find that your success will irritate people's demons.

They don't hate you.

They hate your journey.

Simply because you're doing what they wish they did.

Understand that they hate you because you're winning.
9. You need to keep yourself healthy

Your body is a temple.

Put nothing but health inside of it.

Perform nothing but beneficial actions.

Workout daily, eat well and keep yourself on top level.

Without good health, nothing can exist.
10. Show gratitude for everything you have

If you're alive right now, you're one of the luckiest people in the world.

So many people wake up each morning and wish their life away.

Don't be that person.

Wake up each morning and be glad you're still alive.

It could be worse.
I hope you enjoyed this thread.

Have a blessed day.
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