1/n The ‘Grand Covid Illusion’ is one of a novel virus causing a mysterious deadly new disease that really never was.

It is a story of the misuse of science & terror tactics on a global scale for pure financial gain that will be told to future generations for many years to come.
As a kid I was fascinated in doing magic tricks. Even the simplest rely on creating an illusion of reality so plausible that a viewer is drawn briefly into the trick & normal belief is suspended. I was never destined to be a master illusionist and had a science career in R&D.
What I did not realise until now is that a few scientists (also fascinated by magic in their youth?) managed to keep this hobby alive in their professional work for their personal enrichment. The branch of medical science which seems to attract such people is called virology.
This involves study of agents so tiny they cannot be seen with the human eye or optical microscope. So scope to create alternative realities in their work. Virologist’s ‘germ theory’ is hard for the average person to question unless one has an understanding of molecular biology.
It will be seen in the following that the skill of the virology illusionists surpasses by several orders of magnitude the best performances of master illusionists like David Copperfield.

This skill is measured by the ability to fool a large group of people. Copperfield worked his magic on large auditoriums (a few thousands of people).

But the Virologists work their magic on world populations (billions of people)
Here is how a virologist’s illusion is created:
It starts by finding what appears to be an outbreak of a new respiratory viral infection. New agent X is suspected of causing a novel disease Y. Virologist are immediately all over the ‘crime scene’ theorising what X might be.
It could be that insufficient forensic evidence is available at the ‘crime scene’ to fully identify the ‘suspect’ with molecular biology tools . But clever virologists are able to use magic to create a ‘theoretical construct’ of what agent X looks like based on their suspicions.
Next, a leap in faith allows virologists to develop an amplification (PCR) test which they claim detects agent X infections in people. The test is welcomed by the WHO & promoted as the ‘gold standard’ to fight outbreak now designated a pandemic causing a highly deadly disease Y.
Some troubling aspects of this illusion are conveniently hidden, buried in the detail of the paper describing how the test was developed.
Several scientists of international repute voice their concerns about the use of PCR for mass population screening. They are ignored.
Over time, disease Y is seen to have troubling aspects. It’s symptoms are perhaps not so different from those caused by the seasonal ‘devil we know’. Furthermore it’s infection fatality rate is determined to be in the same range as the flu by the world’s greatest authority.
So how is the illusion of a deadly pandemic sustained? Here is the brilliant part. People die every season from the flu & some of these deaths can be attributed to Y by testing people with the ineffective test . But not enough to sustain the illusion of a rising wall of a death.
But by insisting on mass testing, many people entering hospitals and destined to die of other conditions like cancer, heart disease etc will, irrespective of symptoms, be tested for Y & upon + ve will end up in ICU beds ‘reserved’ for deadly Y disease and die ‘of’ it. https://twitter.com/realjoelsmalley/status/1331951034894327814
This ‘illusion’ is a well described phenomena arising from the misuse of PCR. It is called a ‘casedemic’. Combine this with a test which has been designed by the magicians to yield a high number of false positives and you have something more like a ‘terrordemic’.
Explained here: https://twitter.com/joobailee/status/1331815572288507905
A pure ‘casedemic’ is easy to spot because rising cases become decoupled with deaths. But when the illusionists are working in tandem with others to ensure creative accounting of deaths the illusion becomes even more powerful & frightening. A check of all cause excess deaths will
...give a clue as to what is happening but by this time a thoroughly terrorised population is unable to think straight and will compliantly and gladly submit to the only solution... population vaccination.
The Grand Covid Illusion is now complete and all contributors to this aberration of reality will be handsomely rewarded for their efforts.

What is the human character of an illusionist? In David Copperfield’s case he seems to have a sense of what human freedoms mean as his
his Statue of Liberty illusion illustrates. Copperfield clearly showed he understood what liberty means.

And the worst accident recorded in any of his performances was injury to an assistant but nobody ever died through one of his illusions going wrong.
And the virologists? - their 2020 illusion is measured in deaths, wrecking of economies & societal harms now set to be the subject of legal cases certain to have the largest ever settlements for financial damages in history.

21/21 So endeth the most tragic story of humanity to date.

The Great Covid Illusion, a story of the misuse of science and creation of terror on an unimaginable global scale for criminal financial gain, a story that will be told to future generations for many years to come.
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