This is going to be a documented on-going thread of all the intersexphobia trans people and those allied with trans people have thrown toward intersex people, in the forms of othering, using us as a tool and implying they can identify as intersex. I encourage others to add theirs
Can't forget this CLASSIC #intersexphobia from a WPATH presentation.
Sigh. Here we gooo again... with the othering and insisting intersex people are mostly trans.
"sex isn't binary, intersex people exist."
"MRKH isn't intersex" - Literally doesn't realize MRKH women get told they're not intersex enough cause of people LIKE THEM.
"Sex is a spectrum cause of intersex MY DUDE"
"Fetish." 🤢
So XY Intersex females are now men now, apparently.
Last one of Koji, really loves lying about intersex people being trans.
Intersex is not a freaking gender.. if this one is in mistake, I'll remove it but it looked like a legit one.
Nope, Koji's not done yet. Intersex is as common as redheads.. nevermind most of the 1.7% statistic is NCAH which is easily recorded female at birth. Don't forget gender. This person's a lost cause and will no longer be mentioned.
Can't stop! Won't stop! Intersexphobes on display. Sex is not binary, cause intersex!
Another "Intersex is why sex isn't binary and men can have vaginas and women penises."
No lie, I'm speechless on this one. I don't even know how to react... on this one... what does Hermaphroditus have to do with trans people exactly? It was a god created to explain the very limited[especially back then!] idea of individuals born with VSCs...
..What the hell am I even supposed to say to this one? Seriously? Freaking... Christ.
Intersex people exist, but it has nothing to do with you and your arguments about gender.. so I mean.
..Ah yes, the classic excuse of insisting we're some proof non-binary is a real concept and we're neither male nor female.
You don't come out as intersex, what the fuck? You find out you're intersex through unfortunate means or get told you were diagnosed as a baby and your parents hid it from you. It isn't some COMING OUT parade and there's a lot of stigma on BEING intersex. We're not an identity.
Classic othering. Intersex people can fit the "trans" category, non-binary too as well.. not to mention the so-called "cis."
Insisting that an intersex person telling trans people to shut up about intersex and respect the Darlington Statement is some act to make trans people shut up cause they're "right" - .. No. It's the stance of intersex orgs, we want no part in the gender debate ffs.
... "ignore intersex people" .. maybe because intersex people have asked time and time again to be left out of this argument and many of us are fine with our recorded sexes and accept them? The queer intersex people don't find a third category beneficial either.
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