Such a great Zoom masterclass on feature writing with
@thedalstonyears - thank you @Terri_White for putting it on (along with lots of other free magazine sessions, check them out).
Some favourite tips from Sirin:
- Find case studies first, that’s the hardest thing. It's easy to talk to organisations and experts. Have case studies before you pitch.
- The difference between good and poor feature writing is great case studies, hold out for the amazing ones.
- To get colour from case studies, ask them what a 5-year-old would ask e.g. what were you wearing? What did you do next? Did you drink that tea you mentioned?
- Be friendly but not friends with contacts.
- Should you write for free? Perhaps at the start of your career if you have never written before, to get some bylines and cuttings - but after that ask for money.
Do you need a professional journalism qualification? No. If you are a good writer and you know how to use social media and find editors’ emails, you can do it. You'll need to learn things like media law on the job, but you can do that and employers and editors have lawyers.
Also @Terri_White managed to host this with little sleep due to a baby and I know how this feels and salute her! I think details of the next free classes aren't around yet but if you follow her you will see them. I think @thedalstonyears one was recorded too so may be shared...
You can follow @LouiseRidley.
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