The child's school day is structured exactly like an adults work day. 8 hour day, 15 minute break at 10.30 and, 45 minutes for lunch. In the class they must remain focused, still, and "productive" for nothing in particular outside of arbitrary exams and "age range" goals
Based on these arbritrary assessments, Children are categorised and segregated along multiple intersections (ableism, classism, sexism, and racism). This marks them as capable or not, productive or not
Like adult work, children are unlikely to apply the abstract knowledge learnt in school to daily life and are basically inhibited from applying the creativeness of non-school life to the school environment
Getting lots of foucault Blowback which is amusing cos I wrote this in a roll neck like foucault but, on a serious note, why do we defer to his disciplinary regime rather than say, Althusser's Marxist social reproduction? Foucault has such a stranglehold on _the canon_
Which is doubly frustrating cos foucault clearly just plagiarised althusser and gramsci anyway and stripped them of revolutionary agency etc
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