He just doesn't miss. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1247861952736526336
I'm telling you. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/264453195059838976?s=20
Trump knows a lot of facts. And often the order in which he spits them can seem arbitrary. https://twitter.com/PereGrimmer/status/1314765316061360128?s=20
He was watching the 2012 campaign, saw the Wright tape, but asked: "will they use it?"

Trump would have gotten him on stage.

He saw that the uniparty subversion of the Republican party provided an opening for an outsider candidate: the Sailer strategy. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/304621882139885568?s=20
(Look at the # of Likes. Everybody starts small.)
Oh, this is a good one. Want me to reveal what he was doing? It's sort of genius. @ScottAdamsSays prepare for a master class, you ready? https://twitter.com/CriticalOcean/status/1332559522985111552?s=20
Alright, I'll reveal the real truth behind Trump's birtherism. Hint: he was trolling.

But first, let's remember how Trump came up ( @michellemalkin ) -- it was by kissing the MSM ring.

it is important to frame the birtherism properly. This is how Trump first got into the crosshairs of his chosen antagonist: Obama/the CIA. https://twitter.com/PereGrimmer/status/1124743569846276099?s=20
Birtherism was a big joke. Certificate of live birth, ha!

But you know who seems to have taken it seriously? John Brennan, or people under his employ. https://twitter.com/PereGrimmer/status/1329711776573886467?s=20
Almost as if they couldn't afford to have someone else having a veto option on their puppet? https://twitter.com/TheLastRefuge2/status/1317912435366547457?s=20
This Brennan. https://twitter.com/PereGrimmer/status/1332523063817220098?s=20
It's not about whether you're right or wrong, it's about policing the acceptable bounds of the conversation.

But look at Trump's face:

But what did Trump say right after? Look: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/370647067204403201?s=20
It's all about pressure and trolling. By pushing Obama's buttons, by going about brandishing Peter Schweizer research and refusing to back down, he wrongfooted Obama by getting him to put on a petulant display, while complying with the demand.
At the same time, he began to open the cozy world up to the idea of challenge from the outside: objective standards, facts are facts, not looking around to see if you're allowed to laugh-as-programmed at the cue.

IT's always some new grift, isn't it? https://twitter.com/PereGrimmer/status/1291394596417789953?s=20
With the birtherism thing, Trump got Obama to obey his compliance request, and he got Brennan to stick his neck out in a dumb way, leaving a paper-trail.

When NPD-types duel, ignore their postures, and look at actions. Mand, Tact.
I'm greatly honored by this endorsement. But I'm not sad at this state of affairs. No, I'm overjoyed that we're all in this together. The true fourth estate, not the corporatist enemy our republic. By absurdity, he taught us to be serious. https://twitter.com/shylockh/status/1332405151739621377?s=20
Every time Trump punctures the veil and makes them attack him, makes Obama give his petulant speech and chew soap and release his alleged certificate of live birth for no real good reason save that ORANGE MAN BAD...
... he increases the costs to keeping the social illusion alive. He opens the eyes of more people. He doesn't miss in terms of forming hunches about character, then testing them with outrageous behavior. https://twitter.com/PereGrimmer/status/1332349032790974469?s=20
Why were so many so quick to burn Powell? https://twitter.com/PereGrimmer/status/1332292572925059072?s=20
The Corporatist Internationalist Autarchs can spy on our President, run a years' long ruse, spout utterly insane bullshit constantly, and they still get all the plum prestige gigs, they go to cocktail parties and smell farts. But Powell? https://twitter.com/PereGrimmer/status/1330995266195959808?s=20
Did Powell turn on you? Or did she just embarrass you? If she embarrassed you, why? Maybe you should try standing by your allies even if it's embarrassing. You might even have some fun doing it.

The man don't miss, I'm sorry, he's been telling everybody about the real stakes for quite some time.

Isn't this weird, he's drawing some kind of connection between Roberts, Scalia, and Obama.

And that mosque comment! How terrible, what could it mean?

This guy gets it. https://twitter.com/AircraftCharac1/status/1332586746857594881?s=20
It's really about character and loyalty and fidelity. How can you claim to be all buddy buddy with Kamala when she did you like that?

We all know it's all fake. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1293869227036811265?s=20
The point of this thread is not that Trump has Batman powers and he's a super detective. The point is that you can learn a lot of the secrets of the world by forming hunches about people then testing them with trolling. https://twitter.com/PereGrimmer/status/1316525744529575938?s=20
Just by being himself, Trump induces people on the other team to exaggerate their core features—people become self-parodies when they are angry and self-righteous—and abandon compromise positions they could have easily won with. https://twitter.com/PereGrimmer/status/1332716511736238081?s=20
Exactly. He starts with compliance rituals such that by the time the real fight has begun, they have already lost. "You are already in my genjutsu. You have been before this started."

It works since mainstream politicians are all so very fake, all he has to do is keep forcing them to come up with more and more absurd justifications for their existence.
There is an art to getting under people's skin as a gadfly. You want to think about the lies people are telling themselves. https://twitter.com/PereGrimmer/status/1257514961062055936?s=20
Loyalty: because some battles are worth it.

The world is watching. Japan believes in POTUS Trump, per persons familiar. https://twitter.com/FabioQanon/status/1332597045165744128?s=20
Exactly. https://twitter.com/NellsTacos/status/1332906762509438983?s=20
There was this and https://twitter.com/PereGrimmer/status/1313854331884580864?s=20
Recall: https://twitter.com/PereGrimmer/status/1268591070121586689?s=20
Just watch this. Character.
"Democracy Dies In Darkness" was WaPo's plan.

Won't work while we're around.
New record? https://twitter.com/PereGrimmer/status/1333991931790192641?s=20
Getting ready for the act two climax.

That is, Trump is pretty much done with Biden so he's introducing the true villains of the saga. The puppet masters. The DVS shell is just a convenient source of hard evidence to tie to them. Do you see where this is going?

You can follow @PereGrimmer.
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