Small thread.
1) The term ‘self-hating Jew’ is wrong. They don’t hate themselves: they hate other Jews. Jews who hate other Jews (JWHOJ) have always existed. It’s hardly surprising - Jews have been so hated, so oppressed for so long that some have internalised the hate.
2) You get JWHOJ in all areas of extremism. For left wingers the king comrade of JWHOJ is Karl Marx. See below for what he wrote. He said of Jews: ‘They must be made to disappear.’
3) At the time Marx was writing, antisemitism was reaching the fever pitch which would result in the Holocaust. Jews were banned from universities, rejected from society because of their religion. They were shamed and became ashamed & for some that became hatred of their own.
4) I don’t blame some JWHOJ for sometimes feeling ashamed of some other Jews. Or of some of the actions of the Israeli state (even though I’m a Zionist). Because there are so few of us in the world (14m) the shame of a single notorious Jew reflects on us.
5) But what marks JWHOJ from most of us, is the way they not only like to criticise other Jews (all Jews do that, all the time) but the way they put the rest of us in danger. Because their criticism has crossed over into hate.
6) Claiming the Labour antisemitism issue is a smear is a dangerous lie. Saying that Jews are pretending this happened for political reasons is a dangerous lie. This woman is dangerous to other Jews.
She makes me ashamed. Ashamed that while so many good non Jewish allies are fighting against antisemitism in Labour they have to deal with people like her who brandish their Judaism to excuse Jew-hate.
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