New mandatory lane on Duddingston Rd. Amazing the space there is when central hatching is removed, and there are no parked cars. It's still a wee bit controversial. It appears those living on the street weren't told about the changes (which is possible) 1/8
Virtually every house does have a driveway (and in some cases quite large, and noticed some today storing ALL of their cars on the drive instead of having one or two on the street), though could impact on where visitors park. 2/8
And I've seen on local FB pages people saying they'll still park on the double yellows, in the lane, to drop off and pick up for school. Ironically, given there are two primary schools on this road, having an observed bike lane would make it easier / safer for kids to cycle 3/8
Comments that single parents on the edges of the catchment find it difficult to do the school run without driving - I'm not sure how big the catchment is (and none of those single parents have commented yet) 4/8
It's a really difficult balancing act. We do need to change behaviours, and especially around school runs. Carrot alone doesn't work, but neither does stick alone (and creates resentment, in this case it has lead to loads of 'cyclists run red lights' comments) 5/8
I'm at a bit of a loss how we go about changing minds. I know the people who WILL stop in the lanes are the type of people who will complain that cyclists don't use facilities created for them at great expense (road tax blah blah blah) 6/8
In the meantime, schemes like this will simply create division, and I'll be seen as part of the problem because I choose to cycle (and this lane is brilliant for me personally, as I'm a confident cyclist who, when it's blocked, will simply move out into the lane) 7/8
Answers on a postcard to how we get everyone to take the leap of faith, and then realise this is good. Otherwise it'll just be parked in, not enforced, and be a double whammy of not helping active travel AND make people believe cyclists get everything they want... 8/8
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