Had talked about Buddhist Genocide in China in another thread
đź”—: http://shorturl.at/esxHO 

Today will be talking about #YazidiGenocide another ethno religious group facing genocide which no1 talks about.

So Buckle up for the ride

#NaqliThreads https://twitter.com/SabaNaqli_/status/1329488057662197760
#Yazidi are an ethnoreligious group of Iraq.
Surprised that there is still a non-abrahmic religious group in Middle east?
If the situation continues as it is atm maybe they won't exist anymore.
ISIS presently & MusIim kings in past this group has faced it all
#Yazidi are monotheistic religious group who belive in one god and his 7 angles most important of them is "Melek Taus".
In Iraq they live predominately in Sinjar District, Nineveh Plains and Dohuk.

But this isn't 1st genocide the community has faced.
The history of their genocides goes as back as 637 CE at the hands of various MusIim communities over the years-- Kurdish Tribes, Ottomans,Persians,Arabs & now the ISIS

The things started to go down in bad direction when during this time Middle East saw a rapid lsIamisation.
This led to the start of nightmare for the community little did they know they it would continue well into next millennium

Here's a Full thread by a man practising Yazidism himself on timeline of lsIamic prosecution of Yazidi in full detail

Share and read.
As in it isn't enough that the community faces nightmare & barbarism from ISIS the moderate musIims aren't any less.
This is what a Moderate MusIim has to say about #Yazidi :Devil Worshippers

The very reason they get killed by ISIS.
#Naqlikijagrukta https://twitter.com/Free_Yezidi/status/1329082029367980033?s=20
The modern Genocide started on 3 Aug 2014.
The ISIS took over their ancestral homeland and unleashed it's wrath on Yazidis
According to various sources which includes ISIS themselves around 200k Yazidi fled Sinjar.

Some good news though. Many of these woman stood up and escaped the horror. One of them is @NadiaMuradBasee 2018 Nobel Prize Winner
She has penned down her own experience in her book "The Last Girl"

Mass graves of #Yazidi have also been found đź”—: http://shorturl.at/cioE8 

Women raped đź”—: http://shorturl.at/fprvV 
Kids turned orphan ) đź”—: http://shorturl.at/quxTU 
People became homeless
Community lost it's templesđź”—: http://shorturl.at/qsMO1 

And inspite all the 74 genocide the community has stuck together and stands strong

They will not give up because that's the real defeat.

But the biggest blunder will be if we leave them. If we forget them or let them become a memory http://shorturl.at/kHIOQ 
Said it before gonna say it again non-abrahmic genocide doesn't matter to world. Stand with them as you would stand with your own
The sad part is this community has helped a lot of people in past and given shelter but when it came to them world turned a blind eye
They need us in this war against lsIamofacism.

Stand for them. It's them today It's gonna be you tomorrow

Some good accounts to follow on Yazidi

@Ezidi2 @murad_ismael @zidan_yezidi @YazdaOrg @KhalafSmoqi

Support them in their ordeal the least we can do

#YazidiLivesMatter https://twitter.com/Afshin_Ismaeli/status/1355525515390693381?s=19
#YazidiLivesMatter https://twitter.com/zidan_yezidi/status/1358002592308228097?s=19
Another important thread https://twitter.com/AzzatAlsaleem/status/1358022879456210946?s=19
You can follow @SabaNaqli_.
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