For any lay persons out there, today's concurrence from J. Gorsuch attacks the Roberts decision in South Bay from 6 months ago as being "Cocoa Puffs nuts".

I have never seen a Chief Justice slammed by his peer like this.

As @RonColeman said #unprecedentedtimes.

I will do my best to translate certain harsher sections of the Gorsuch concurrence from Lawyerese into "2 guys in a bar" English:

"Before ACB got here, we had a majority of justices who thought the First Amendment was a toy they could discard when it felt woke to do so".
"... But this is the SCOTUS. Even when the Leftists run the place, they kinda feel obligated to try justifying the new rule du jour. So Roberts found this case Jacobson from 1905, pretended he totally misunderstood what it ACTUALLY meant, and pretended it supported his wokeness."
".. this went poorly.

"Roberts had to stand on his head and read Jacobson backwards to reach his asinine pre-determined conclusion. Ironically, Jacobson means the opposite of what Roberts said, so we will use Jacobson correctly in this case. Hopefully Roberts learns something."
"For decades, the Left abused the Constitution to create transparently bogus "fundamental rights". Them days are over. RIP RBG.

"If you want to use Covid to ditch off some of your fake "basic rights", have at it. You ain't messing with legitimate fundamental rights. I ❤️ ACB".
"Some of you Lefty Governors think you are G-d. Newsflash: You ain't."
"I should probably point to the part of the Jacobson decision that chillingly foretold that one day we may have a clown Chief Justice who would try to read their decision backwards and hauntingly said "DON'T DO THAT". So I will quote that part to Roberts now, before I forget."
"The dissenting Justices all know they were wrong. They're all pointing fingers at each other instead of trying to defend their idiocy from 6 months ago.

"They're devising an empty reason to dissent today because they're sore losers, but the word 'Jacobson' chafes horribly."
"Oh great! Now Roberts is pretending he didn't come up with Jacobson. Like we didn't mockingly rename him Chief Justice "streboR" because he was so determined to read everything backwards.

"I was here streboR! I know what you did! You can't get away from Jacobsongate!!!
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