Society chooses how to disadvantage most autistic people.
Let's take our supposed 'social deficits'.
For decades, society wouldn't consider that our way of communicating was different, not broken. Now we have the research showing the truth of the matter. But society chose to../
...only listen to non-autistic people.
...assume that there is only one right way to communicate (despite watching different cultures communicating differently across the world)
...enforce 'normal communication' on us, despite evidence that it was only causing stress/
...blame us for not making enough effort to communicate 'normally', socialise 'normally', apply for jobs via 'normal' interviews, be promoted after displaying 'normal' complimenting of the boss and going to the bar with them after work to gain their favour/
...despite evidence showing it's the nonautistic people who are choosing not to befriend us, and who are misinterpreting us.
Once we have no higher paying work, we are forced into one stressful situation after another, forcing mental health situations etc, which are again.../
/blamed on us, this time through a fictional 'lack of resilience - they're just not good at coping with stress and bullying'. Which turned out to be rubbish too.
Meantime, those actually needing support and accommodations are routinely given such barriers to getting it that../
/they descend into further health and mental health difficulties, which are likewise blamed on 'autism' and not on the ridiculous way we are forced to live.

For sure, some autistic people would like medical answers to medical situations, and proper help & support.
/society's absolute obsession with describing 100% of us as Deficits means that we are forced to live appalling lives, and be blamed for them.

Gee whizz.

Up to date research? Here is some.
And a personal family anecdote for those thinking I'm some sort of clueless type with no idea what Real Autism is (er...).
Family member. Three years of asking for help with extreme disabling sound sensitivity.
Do you think we're anywhere near getting help yet?
Just pushed from pillar to post, to use a phrase. "I don't know" is all we hear.
Millions of autistic people struggling with sounds sensitivity and as far as I can tell, not one penny has gone into research on it.
Meantime, a $billion a year goes into ABA.
What the...
Imagine if even a hundredth of that $billion had gone into researching proper answers for extreme sound sensitivity.
Imagine if that had freed up millions of autistic people to live lives free of overload and sensory pain.
Just imagine.
Society chooses what it does to us.
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