My student loan debt is $405,119.64 now and with next semester about $448,964.64

This is all from post graduate schooling.

This is all because I dared to be a doctor.
There are actually so many things interwoven into this but what I will highlight most is this is one huge example of socioeconomics play very directly into occupational paths.

There are so many readings available on this so I don't honestly care to flesh it out. But know know.
Also student loan forgiveness is absolutely a social justice issue. And not just undergraduate loans.

Forgive it all.
I will be a doctor and I will be "fine". I won't ever have to worry about a roof over or food to eat.

But this is absolutely a disgrace.
With all due respect loan forgiveness programs and options are not the solution.

They are helpful and great, yes. But it still “strongly encourages” (predominantly Black and Latino) low income students to be “pushed” into certain fields and locations.

Which also isn’t fair.
The point is. That student loans should never be this high.

And it’s obtuse to not see how that plays into decision making at every single level.
If your response is “why should people who don’t have debt or already paid their debt off” is the response to student loan forgiveness

Keep it to yourself.
1. The price of (medical) school is SUBSTANTIALLY different

2. This is a systematic issue that should have never gotten this far

3. Would those with heavy loan debt not be the most understanding in why this is such a huge burden?
Notable addition to this thread. @daniel_swensen
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