THREAD: The economy performs far better under Democratic Presidents, in terms of jobs, GDP, stock market, and lower deficits. Let's explore the history since WW2 in charts. First, job creation is 2.4 times faster under Democrats. 1/
Real (inflation adjusted) annual GDP growth averages 3.9% under Democrats, versus 2.4% under Republicans, a 1.5 percentage point difference. 2/
Stock market (S&P 500) return about 11% under Democrats versus 7% under Republicans. 3/
On average, the unemployment rate improves about 0.8 percentage points (pp) under Democratic presidents, versus worsening 1.1 pp under Republicans.

The unemployment rate worsened under every Republican except Reagan, and improved under every Democrat except Carter. 4/
Budget deficits have been lower under Democrats, averaging 1.6% GDP vs. 3.5% GDP for Republicans. 5/
Budget deficits tend to fall under Democrats by an average of 2.5% GDP, versus rising by 3.7% GDP under Republicans. A falling deficit typically represents an improving economy, as tax revenues rise and government spending slows. 6/
10 of last 11 recessions started under Republicans. Since budget deficits are higher under Republicans, that isn't an explanation for why the economy slows under Republicans. 7/
Here is a summary scorecard with four of the key metrics, easy to share on its own. 8/
Here is a Wikipedia article with generally the same information as this thread, along with links to the sources and some more details on potential reasons for the far superior Democratic results. 9/
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